Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Anyone who is familiar with world history since WW2 realize that the North Korean Government plays a rather dangerous but usually successful game of "chicken" in order to achieve their goals. The only time that they (North Korea) have backed down was when they were confronted with the threat (and resolve) to use force.

The latest outrageous threat by the North Koreans involves the use of Nuclear weapons in an offensive war. The last real threat by any nation to do such a thing might have been between the Indian and Pakistani governments. I do not believe that they actually made good on those threats.

My question is; when is the World or even the US going to counter the North Korean's assertion with an overwhelming response to their rhetoric? The North Koreans will continue to escalate their remarks and threats until someone either caves in to their demands (give them food, money, whatever they want) or responds with a strong threat of force backed by real capability. The weak kneed United Nations can't even get a discredited sanction passed to show any resolve; the US seems incapable of doing anything except maybe send someone such as Al Gore to negotiate our way out of these threats. I doubt that Mr Gore can be or will be effective even if he explains how bad such actions such as Nuclear war may be towards the environment.

Unfortunately, it is time now, not in six months to a year, to respond with a real show of resolve. But, who will do it?


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