Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Recent rulings and decrees regarding brings me a great deal of sadness. These imminent changes are being made in the name of Political Correctness and are the continuation of a process that started a few years ago. Fortunately for me, I retired from the Navy before they began although even in 1980 the signs were evident.

Around 1990, the military treatment of Homosexuals changed from no tolerance to a rule called "Don't ask Don't tell"(DADT). The then new policy was one in which Homosexuals were tolerated so long as they did not show their sexual preferences. Now, DADT is soon to be scrapped for open acceptance of all no matter what their personal choices are. A few will cheer this; I won't. The damage will be greater than anyone can possibly expect.

Around the same time as DADT came into existence, so did barriers to females serving in traditional all male military positions such as combat arms and aboard combat ships. Although it was touted as a progressive equalization for females, the real reason for this move was simply that there were not enough qualified males to fill all of the required billets. But, I believe, that it was a mistake. Now, the last bastion of all male service is being negated by a policy of integrating females into Submarine service. This decision is in my opinion, ill advised.
During the time that Robert McNamera was the Secretary of Defense, he (his organization) proposed streamlining the services and cutting costs by making all services wear the same Uniforms. This move was roundly rejected because the Military Services still had some cohesiveness and pride in their organizations. Over time, the Navy tinkered with the enlisted uniforms that were really impractical and did not last. Ah, but now, there is a new regime that is enforcing the single outfit service uniform by causing all services to wear a form of "Fatigues" for almost all occasions. Soon, the services may make the people in these "look alike" uniforms, if they may be called "Uniforms", also be interchangeable with the services. Soon, we will no longer have Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, and other so called uniformed services; we will have Department of Defense personnel who may or may not possess the requisite specific skills for their assignments; but, don't worry, there will always be time to train these folks for their new assignments.

All of these enhancements really won't matter because, with the tenor of the Federal Government the US will no longer need such skilled personnel anymore; third rate "Banana Socialist Republics" generally do not need a strong and proud military organization.


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