Saturday, December 17, 2011


My observation of politics tends to show that the Federal Government is at war-- with the States and people of the United States. It appears that many if not most political decisions made at the Federal level, are made contrary to the will of the people and the basic governing document, the Constitution. In addition, it appears that new laws are being in-acted by non elected Administration groups and not by Congress. (Call them administrative decisions or interpretations of existing laws). Obama has said many times that he cannot wait for Congress to act, therefore he and his advisors will act independently, without any other approval!

The principle player and main actor appears to be the Obama Administration. But it also seems that the Senate and Supreme Court are also involved in the War.

Virtualy all new initiaves are contentious and seem to be designed to diminish the ability of people to live a normal life as legal, honorable, and productive citizens. If someone is looking to get free goods and services or is in the Country illegally, he/she/they are given priority consideration. Marriage, once the backbone of the society, is being discouraged through preferential treatment for people living together without the trappings of being married (it is estimated that fewer than 50% of people living together are now married). I believe that it will soon come to pass that further financial advantage will be provided to unmarried people who live together through changes in tax laws.

States are increasingly being sued by the Federal Government for creating laws that are rightfully States Rights interests but may be contrary to the desires of Federal bureaucrats. Often, an inference of violating Federal perrogatives is sufficient to cause a lawsuit to be initiated. Of course, it may be argued that this phenomanon is simply the continuing fight that has been in progress since the Civil War of Federal vs States rights. And, since the interpretation of the Constitution is left to the Federal Government, then guess who wins that fight?

This Blog entry is not intended to provide solutions or answers to the percieved problems, but, simply to provide observations. recommendations for solutions will be forthcoming.


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