Sunday, March 22, 2009


Towards the end of February I talked about the almost transparent sleight of hand act that the new administration was engaged in. Today, after about a month has passed, it is even more obvious. At first we were going to send in a large contingent of military personnel into Afganistan and reduce the combat forces in Iraq to zero. Next we were going to send in a large number of civilian experts to Afganistan with no mention of the buildup in troop strength. Now, there is very little being reported about activities in either Afganistan or Iraq, including the once everpresent casualty list of military killed during operations in either place.
Then our attention was directed at the need for a bailout of financial institutions which was accomplished, but, lo and behold, the Administration messed up, knowingly, on some specific details that angered a lot of people. So, then it was the greedy wall street types that needed to be brought to task by a very punishing tax on bonuses. But wait, if you do that, so others who may be innocent bystanders will also be taxed; but wait; the businessmen in charge are all a bunch of greedy uncaring individuals; so, we need to have the Government take charge of these people and their salaries (and businesses?) to make things equitable. So, really, we need to NATIONALIZE businesses??? Take a clue from Venezuela (SP?) And President for life Chavez!!

Again, what are the leaders of this country's real intentions???


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