Thursday, March 12, 2009


The Government is attempting to change its image in foreign policy in ways that are not understood either overseas or here in the US. Many of these changes may sound like "feelgood" ideas but are really sending the wrong message. Most of our potential advarsaries do not respond to soft or passive relations. They are used to interpreting such activities as weaknesses. We (the USA) should not back down to any demands for retreat. The Chinese (People's Republic) are demanding that the US Navy remove itself from the South China Seas. We should very emphatically reject such an idea and respond wit the insertion of armed vessels in the area and continue to perform our surveillance activities. Our few friends left in the world do not understand our intentions except that it may be viewed as another retreat by us and an example of how the Americans cannot be trusted to keep their word anymore.
We have essentially given up on Taiwan (Republic of China), Tibet, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, and defense of Europe. And, we are soon going to allow open borders with Mexico by being soft on illegal alien presence in the USA and not defending our borders. There are indications that the Federal Government may stifle efforts by our law enforcement agencies to find and deport these illegal people.


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