Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The trend towards a new Socialistic country here in the US continues to gain momentum. I have difficulty in understanding the trend and the desires of so many politicians to accept this status. The latest move, which was entirely predictable, is in the nationalizing of the banking (read: all financial endeavors) system. Next should be the major industrial organizations (autos, steel,etc.) followed by farming and mines.

I believe that we are totally helpless in changing this trend and, will mourn for the days when we were free from such intense Government controls. The Federal government will continue to be more invasive in our daily affairs, no matter which political party is in control. 

The new President is continuing to backslide on his commitments that he made and seems to be controlled by his political party and not by any previously proclaimed principles. Some of his so-called decisive changes (repudiation of the previous President's policies) seem to be more politically motivated than well thought out changes in national direction. For example; he has signed an order to close the detention center for the Muslim detainees, yet has no formulated plan to their fate (release them, try them, execute them) or even where to send them if they will be retained in custody. There really needs to be some forethought on how to handle these people before making such a move as closing the prison. 

Now that the Politicians have completed the reelection cycle, there is a strong de-emphasis on the military's casualties and discomfort. The unpopular (supposedly) war in Iraq, is being downplayed and more emphasis is being placed on Afganistan. But, remember, not as a burden on the soldiers, but as a necessary fight for ???.

More later.


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