Friday, November 14, 2008


When will this country return to its senses. It seems as if we have lost our ability to reason. A few examples:

1. A man was just elected President who's only qualifications are that he is old enough and a natural born citizen. All of his other qualities are totally lacking in Presidental material (poor english but how else to say this?). He has no significant legislative capability, administrative skills, or relevant work experience.

2. The present President did a reasonably good job for about 7 1/2 years until he was suddenly accused of being totally incompetent. Some may argue differently, but, he was in charge during a period of improved economic times, low unemployment, startling DOW Jones Industrial increases, Successful completion of a military operation and correction of the ensuing peace process (review the Post WW2 European trials and tribulations including the long cold war era) The down turn in the economy began within (approximately) 6 months of the election. Note also that a major cause for some of our prob lems occurred after the DEemocratic party captured the House of Representatives leadership.

3. After the new President Elect ran on a platform of CHANGE he is now shown that the only apparent change will be from Republicans to Democrats (insiders all). 

4. The public media has become so biased and blind to objectivity, that we now do not know what is truth and what is fiction. 

5. There is real danger of the average person becoming placed in jeopardy further by having rules and laws enacted that will severely limit gun ownership. 

6. There is little being done to stem the tide of illegal immigration in this country. This problem has escelated in recent years to the point that the Mayor and Chief of Police of Phoenix, AZ are having a giant dispute over the activities of the Maricopa County Sheriff's policy in aggressively trying to enforce the laws against Illegal people. 

7. The USA has embarked upon further military missions to other countries without consideration for the consequences. We are becoming the aggressor in some of these operations and cannot fully justify the cost in wealth and lives.

8. The Government is now throwing money (quite recklessly in my opinion) at every misfortune that occurs (New Orleans, Banks, Wall Street, Mortgages in default, Auto makers and other ill advised businesses). AND no one is effectively monitoring the expenditures or where the money is being obtained (do I hear printing presses operating in overtime).

This is just a start.  Sooner or later we will have to pay for this mess.


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