Tuesday, October 28, 2008


These are the latest pictures near and in front of my house. We have been living with a significant mess for over 4 months, and I am getting tired of having to view the current results. The city of Globe (AZ) does not seem to be powerful or decisive enough to be able to encourage the builder to quickly fix the problem. The street that is presently closed was supposed to be shut down for a maximum of 2 weeks starting last June (2008). The builder was somewhat apologetic and promised quick resolution to a portion of the problem. I needed to get the attention of the city and police just to ensure quick closure to the trench and safety warning signs (cones) added that was dug along my garage and front of the house. Now there only remains to have the dirt covering the trench to be asphalt covered. It probably will not be done until next year some time. 
The trench beyond my property line has been open and relatively unguarded for close to a week.
The neighbor's trailer storage yard is another (separate) issue. The weeds in that lot partially obscure the trailers (one is below the level of the weeds).

Any constructive suggestions on how to combat these problems would be appreciated. 


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