There have been many attempts to disarm the general population in the US. Here comes a slightly different idea.
Thomas K. Irvine, a lawyer with certain subspecialties, is outraged with the apparent criminal acts of the HAMAS group in the Gaza Strip. HAMAS has been firing rockets and mortars into Israel with increased frequency to the point that Israel countered with ground and air forces intent on destroying HAMAS capabilities (probably quite effectively).
But, Mr Irvine has what appears to be a more far reaching solution; Ban all projectiles that are not intelligently aimed. Anyone or any political organization that so uses, trades, or transports such devices would be subject to severe penalties by a (supposed) world court as well as the organizations leaders. The charges would be considered "crimes against humanity"
Wow! The implications in this is really astounding. First one needs to identify what munitions would be identified in such a ban. Besides rockets and mortars we could include conventional artillery rounds fired from anywhere (field guns up to and including shipboard armament), Conventional bombs dropped from aircraft, Hand grenades, Rifles and Pistols, Arrows fired from bows of any type, Spears, bladed weapons such as knives that are thrown, and even maybe rocks (bolas) when thrown. I do not know how such things as land and sea mines would be covered. Remember, the definition states something that is intelligently aimed which probably would not include people.
Next try to identify the appropriate world court and who would be able to fairly judge charges, and then attempt to legislate their power to try and implement sanctions.
Finally, try to identify any political entity (nation, state,county, city) that would readily give up their sovereignty, to the world court so they would allow themselves to be punished. Also consider what penalties should be imposed.
Sounds to me like the lawyers of the world would see steady employment on this proposal (except in areas controlled by rogue states and unlawfully controlled regions.
So remember, if this is seriously considered, the next time a child throws a rock at another child they may be guilty of "crimes against humanity"
Oh boy, that just doesn't begin to make sense.
The biggest problem with any gun control law is that the only people that follow them are the ones that only use them for legitimate purposes to begin with.
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