Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, now the Foreign Policy experts in the Administration have figured out how to handle North Korea. They are putting together a package of incentives to entice the North Koreans into giving up their nuclear ambitions and rejoin the disarmament talks. It seems to me that the US has visited this idea many times before with no positive results. Naturally, they know that things will be different this time because we, the US, have admitted all of our previous mistakes and want to be friends. And, the North Koreans will see the errors of their ways and will want to be friends as well.

Now, if you think that this oft tried approach will somehow work this time, then, I will also want to sell you some lower Florida swamp land that is sometimes dry and absolutely does not have any vermin (alligators or giant flying insects) living there.

Oh well, if this doesn't work, then lets move on to Honduras or Iran, or even we could restart Iraq again. Then tell the Israelis to give up more of their hard fought land again. Where is Pee Wee Herman when you need a stronger presence?


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