Sunday, August 02, 2009


When the new President announced that he was ordering the Military prison at Guantanamo Bay used for suspected terrorists and enemy combatants to be closed within a year, a great deal of concern was raised about what to do with them. I believe that the US citizens were assured that these people would not be brought to US soil. This pronouncement was maid to reduce the public's fears of terrorists being released or escaping in this country. After 6 months, it is apparent that the Government still has not found a viable alternative to the present Prison. However, because the Administration would lose face for a failure to meet the closure goal, something needs to be done quite soon. So, the latest idea is to place these terrorists in a facility in Kansas! Ft Leavenworth military prison where a combination of civilian and military administrators, guards, and other support personnel would be used.
This alternative is considered by the Administration to be the best of a bunch of poor options.

Now, another guarantee, the one where these terrorists will never be detained in the US, is being repudiated and the wishes of the US citizens are being ignored.

Why not just admit that the present facility at Guantanamo Bay is in fact the best location for these people, keep the facility open, and accept that not every idea that is pushed by a political agenda needs to be carried out. But, be careful to keep the Terrorists out of the US.

When is the Main Stream Media going to support the interests of the US citizens by campaigning against such poorly conceived ideas?


Blogger JonesGardenBlog said...

And then once they are in US prisons they are suppose to have special restrictions put on them to keep them from conducting or encouraging terrorist acts from prison.

Although the DOJ just decided to ease up the restrictions on shoe bomber Richard Reed.

Won't be long before they are orchestrating moves from prison, just as the blind sheik did previously.

6:20 AM  

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