Sunday, November 29, 2009


As a result of our foreign policy (soft engagement and not from a position of power), or lack thereof, I believe the following events should be a cause for concern.

The North Koreans have become very belligerent to the point of armed intervention with the South Koreans. It is quite unimportant that the North Koreans were damaged physically more than the South Koreans, but, that they advanced to the point of military action.

The Iranian regime is now declaring that they will build more Nuclear enrichment sites rather than trying to diplomatically continue with their program while declaring their intentions to work with us. This amounts to a "double dog dare" knowing that they will not be stopped or suffer any real consequences.

Venezuela's leader Chavez is making bolder aggressive statements towards the US and attempting to form alliances that might prove to be very good backup to their position. They have attempted to bring power into the Americas from Europe and Asia thus threatening the force of the Monroe Doctrine, while the US seems to be sitting on its hands.

The Israelis appear to be losing patience with the US while not trying to tip their hands as to their future actions and the US is meekly urging (demanding) restraint without concurrent actions by the Arabs.

The US is trying to court the Communist Chinese in order to gain more monetary leverage while, in reality, making the US economic stability and the power of the dollar much weaker.

The Administration continues to try to figure out a course of action in Afghanistan while providing comfort to the ENEMY through vacillating on troop dispositions. We might as well provide an open letter to them declaring the time and place of new troop arrivals. This course of action will serve to kill many more troops than is necessary.

And now, probably through US behind the scenes activity, the Pakistan Government is close to collapse.

Finally, the US is working to completely bankrupt itself through the implementation of big expensive social money giveaways and following a policy shift that leads the Country into possible irreversible Socialism/Communism.

These things need to stop and this Country needs to change its ways, IMMEDIATELY!


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