Monday, November 23, 2009


The Administration has been very slow to commit more US troops to the Asian areas of Afghanistan which may be a good thing. I propose that we should follow the lead taken by the British and French in their prior colonial wars. The majority of soldiers that were employed by the British and French in times past were recruited from natives of the area or from some other sources than from Britain and France. The US even engaged in such practices in prior times by recruiting Filipino men for the US Navy and Chinese to fight in China under US Officers. The Bulk of British forces in India were either native Indians and in some instances Gurkhas. The French Foreign Legions used extensively in North African colonies were non French peoples from many parts of the world led by French Officers.

So, why not recruit Afghans, Pakistanis, Indians, and other asian people to populate the military efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan with direction and leadership by US Officers? Maybe we could even hire some South Korean, Republic of China (Taiwan), Japanese, and Vietnamese units as well.

Personally, I am tired of seeing Americans dying in an effort that has marginal gain for the US and little likelihood of military success. This approach would also allow for opportunities for more diverse training of our Officer corps.


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