Thursday, December 31, 2009


The following observations should be considered and reviewed. They seem to be particularly relevant NOW!

John Kennedy

"It has been said the greatest volume of sheer brainpower in one place occurred when Jefferson dined alone."

Thomas Jefferson

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Mark Twain

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This information and set of thoughts is mostly from Christopher Chantrell taken from the American Thinker Blog. It sums up some of the present set of outrages and, hopefully, will provide food for thought on the next election cycle:

When Santa leaves you a lump of coal, he is trying to send you a message. And in a little over ten months, the American people will be making a list, checking it twice, and deciding which politicians are naughty and which are nice. Here's what will be on my list.

1. Obama/Pelosi/Reid Health Bill of Abominations

2. Cap-and-Trade Bill of Abominations

3. $787 billion Porkulus Abomination

4. EPA CO2 Regulations and green energy subsidies

5. End of the Bush tax cuts

6. Gitmo North and civil trials for terrorists

7. Bullying Israel

8. Appeasing thug dictators

9. Federal employees making 42 percent more than private sector

10. State and local employees making 37 percent more than private sector

11. Jobs, jobs, jobs

When you look at that list, it gives you a warm feeling. There can't really be a U.S. voter that won't get riled up over at least three of four items on the list. It shouldn't be any problem getting Republicans and independents out to the polls next November.

Further consideration should also be given to our (USA) loss of prestige in the World, Loss of moral and political world leadership, clueless war planning and execution in Afghanistan, General socialism and marxist integration in the USA, etc. when deciding who should be our leaders.

Monday, December 21, 2009


The latest senate actions regarding the Democratic Health Care (?) bill demonstrates one thing. The Federal Government is immune from regarding the desires of a majority of its citizens (or should I say occupants of the Country?). No amount of dissent against the Health Care bill was effective in changing anyone's mind. The only thing that was shown was a stubborn loyalty to the Party leadership by the rank and file (doesn't matter which Party). The prattling of a few Democrats revealed that these few were astute enough to bring to bear leverage for their special interests (Check the perks for Louisiana and Nebraska and Florida as a result of these negotiations). Read the dramatic non-differences between the abortion funding requirements as a result of the Nebraska Senators reluctance to allow abortion funding under the bill-- THERE IS NO SUBSTANTIVE DIFFERENCE! -- between the two versions.

This leads me to the conclusion that my wishes are never considered nor are my Representatives listening to me (and to many others like me with similar desires) and yes, I did contact my representative which resulted in a form letter which essentially told me to shut up because they knew what was best. And do not think that things are going to change. They will not! It is almost certain that the vast majority of the present members of Congress will be reelected in 2010, 2012, etc.

Friday, December 18, 2009


The political leaders(?) in the Senate and Administration have completely lost their senses. They are trying to pass a "Health Care" bill by Christmas. This does not make sense for several reasons:

1. There is only a very limited number of senior Democrats in the Senate that know what it prescribes/requires and even the citizens of the US are not allowed to know its contents. So, everyone with a right to vote for it do not know what they will be voting for (or against)!

2. The Senate members are being held "hostage" at least until Christmas Day in order to complete voting for a bill that has not been disclosed to them. It is conceivable that this Senate session could continue through the New Year or even further.

3. The few details that have leaked out to the Senators and the public seems to be quite contentious with many Democrats not happy with the product and only about 1/3 of the citizens of the US in favor of it.

The solution to this is to STOP the process, shut down the Senate until after New Years, and start over on the bill after the break. It is not important that this bill dies, it might even allow for clearer heads to join in a consensus and pass something more palatable. This approach makes sense since the resultant law regarding Health Care control will not take effect for at least 3 years (even in the present version!).

Monday, December 14, 2009

WHO WON (2)?

As an add on to my previous post, I offer this observation. The enhanced insignificance of the Army Navy football game (2009) is evident by the facts that: The game was not advertised prior to the contest; The results earned a 1/4 column entry on page 7 of the Sunday Arizona Republic Newspaper that contained very little beyond the final score; And the big important article on page 1 showed the results of a High School football game (with pictures) and a story about an ASU baseball coach who was fired or maybe he resigned. Certainly the High School story deserved recognition but...
So, my friends, it further illustrates the distain that the media has for our military and how much it is biased towards the President and present Democratic administration. In an earlier era, the Army Navy game commanded much more extensive pre and post game hype. Given time, the present Administration may even be able to have the game cancelled as being insignificant and could be a good cost saving move.

After that, we could have the football programs at the Academies deleted thereby even bigger cost savings. While we are at it, why not eliminate the Academies and recruit future military officers from Ivy league schools? And possibly the University of Illinois as well!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The final score in the Army Navy football game showed that Navy won, but, in reality, I question whether anyone really won.
Some of the indicators were: There were far too many penalties in the game on both sides which is indicative of poor performance by the coaches and the teams; Both teams depended upon individual star performances by a very small group of players (Navy QB, Army Receiver [at 6' 10"] a significant mismatch with the defense); Unbecoming antics by a few players which is typical of other college teams when they proclaimed their abilities through inordinate grandstanding; Unusual exhibits by the Cadets and Midshipmen watching the game by wearing unusual outfits , playing stupid games, and showing poor sportsmanship attitudes.

And one of the most notable deficiencies of the contest was the absence of the President from the stands not to mention complete silence by the White House about the game. This alone tends to demonstrate the President's feelings towards our Military.

Sunday, December 06, 2009


On Dec 7th (remember Pearl Harbor!) our Government will be setting conditions that will allow the greatest tax increase this country/world has ever seen. The EPA is set to declare that carbon dioxide is a hazardous substance thereby allowing for regulation and control of ANY thing that emits it.

Since all people and other animals in the world (as far as I can determine) breathe while they are alive and exhaust carbon dioxide as a result of breathing, then people need to be controlled, taxed, and regulated. This will effectively allow the Government to control the population in any manner they wish. The potential for mischief is mind boggling.

I do believe that there are a few forms of Amoeba that do not need to breathe so, there is still room for expansion on this issue. We somehow need to amend the rule for such irregularities.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I actually listened to the President's Afghanistan Troop Build up speech at West Point (Dec 1, 2009). I heard what I expected to hear.
We are going to send 30,000 more troops into harms way while promising to retrieve them quickly, after we have successfully completed the mission in a guaranteed 1 1/2 years. I suspect that the real number of combat forces will be around 9000 since, it requires at least 2 soldiers in a support function to field one combat soldier. But wait, there will be an immediate, sorta, deployment of 9000 by next summer which says there will be only about 3000 real combat troops in the country extra by the end of 2010. This, practically speaking, is not the equivalent of an effective surge; it is a token deployment and essentially a waste of manpower and money.

The next thing to consider is that these "surge" troops are going to be deployed into areas with no reasonable means of support; no worthy roads, trains, airstrips, and no apparent ability to get support from our sea based forces. So, how are these folks going to be protected? Even the firebases that were planted in remote areas of Vietnam were provided with some backup via helicopter support gunships, troop carriers, evacuation ships, and air patrols from the sea based carriers.

Finally, with all the information that has been provided by the President's speech, the comments by officials who have been briefed, and by our news media, one of the best methods of attack by a military force has been seriously compromised; the tactic know as secrecy and surprise. Remember how effective the first and second Iraq war initial combat operations were? Both operations were successful because the US plans were not previously transmitted to our adversaries. And, our troop deployment and military locations were not previously advertised. Gee, maybe we should try that idea in this situation.

One last item this time; I found it difficult to determine who our enemies are, I do not think that the President made it very clear who we were supposed to be fighting. One other thing missing in his speech was any hint as trying to involve the US population through emphasizing any emotional need to defeat the enemy. Wait, I still do not know who the enemy is or what the definition of victory in this war happens to be.