Thursday, March 04, 2010


The citizens are being treated to another contentious round of political BS over the Healthcare takeover by the Government. This so called signature issue of the Obama Administration is being revisited after so many unsuccessful previous attempts over the past 16 months. It appears to me to be obvious that the present effort is a rehash of all the previous efforts and if accepted into law will be a total disaster for the Country.
I wonder what the real agenda is by the Government. Are we being subjected to further "sleight of hand" in order to make more unpopular changes to this Country's governance or is it an attempt to simply wear down the citizens and force acceptance of a very bad law?
As I see it, another group of lawmakers are pressing demands for their special interest reform ideas in order to get special consideration as part of the bill.
The only thing I see on the horizon is more divisiveness and dissent being promoted for no good reason. It is time for the Administration to put a halt to the Healthcare reform (Government takeover effort) effort and pay attention to really important issues that should be more of the Federal Government's role in this Country such as Foreign policy, National protection of the Nation, and fiscal responsibility.


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