Saturday, September 19, 2009


The Navy has fallen into a state of sameness that I thought would never happen. At one time, a sailor (particularly lower enlisteds) wore a very distinctive uniform. it consisted of blue bell bottom trousers that buttoned in front by 13 buttons and a very distinctive shirt (with white piping and stars etc).
About the time that Robert McNamera became the Secretary of Defense, the Administration decided to change the uniform so that all service members (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force) would dress exactly the same.Until recently (starting in 2003 I guess) the Navy resisted the change citing the uniqueness of the service and its mission. Now, the bureaucrats have won. Sailors now wear uniforms that look similar to any of the other service branches.

So what?? The issue in my mind is one of breaking with a very old tradition, and I am quite displeased although it does not directly impact me. It does impact my sense of history and the symbology of the uniform. The present uniform no longer matches the mission or the history associated with the Navy.
Just thought someone would like to hear my opinion; not that it really matters since so much more in this Country appears to be headed in the same direction.


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