Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I recognize that military combat operations are merely an extension of political diplomacy; however, once military action has commenced, then strategy and tactics operations should be made by military leaders. Our President is about to meet with 62 congressmen (maybe some female representation as well) to decide the strategy and operational procedures to be followed in our latest "popular" war in Afghanistan. This meeting is an outgrowth of a request by our military commanders who requested certain resources to prosecute the war(?) If this is truly a war; when did Congress declare it?

In addition, I have witnessed an unthinkable series of pronouncements by our military leaders (both active and retired) in questioning the wisdom and guidance of our Administration leadership. Before this, no military leader would have ever uttered any remark questioning the authority of its civilian leadership!

So, tell me, how can a group of 63 disparate leaders with little military ability (how many of these folks were ever Commissioned officers?) rationally discuss and agree upon a course to follow? I find it difficult that our leadership could find five who can agree on anything. (unless they were all of one political party and under the strictest control of their leadership) I know, lets take a poll of all the citizens of the states of California, New York, and Utah and allow this country to be guided by the majority (or minority as deemed politically correct). Gee Maybe we should also include Puerto Rico and Kenya in the poll as well!

In the meantime we are allowing Americans to die in an effort that many other nations (Britain and The Soviet Union) could not accomplish. Instead, lets leave Afghanistan to its own misery, neutralize Iran and North Korea, and protect our only real interests, the USA.


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